13 Best Tips to follow while Working From Home

Know how you can also be an intelligent employee from home!

The COVID-19 is still on its verge and not letting anyone breathe. People are packed in their homes with a lot of responsibilities to accomplish. And this culture of remote working has increased over the past year amongst various companies. For some, it’s a usual case to work full-time from home. In contrast, it’s an entirely unusual scenario that many organizations have implemented voluntary or mandatory for a few.

Working from home in the pandemic is necessary to maintain guidelines of social distancing. But, the extended period and being unsure of how long it will last is inevitable. This is not limited to just one person. The entire company is involved in it. We can’t necessarily socialize or go outside to find quiet space.

The distractions in the home space vary for everyone, and it’s not that easy to carry out the comfort all the time. It hinders productivity most of the time with the voice of negative news running on TV sets, children and other household members roaming around, and so much more.

So, here we have got some of the remarkable work from home tips that you can follow to maintain your balance, physically and mentally, without affecting your well-being.

  1. Prolong morning routine

Maintaining a proper time of waking up, doing all the chores, and being available for the meeting is a must need to follow. Just because you are not going to the office doesn’t mean you are entirely from the work that has made you successful. Wake up at the usual time and continue your routine for being steady.

  1. Find a dedicated workspace

“Work where it’s required, eat at the dining, and sleep where you should.”

It is essential to keep one dedicated place in a house that can be called your private corner. Find a workspace that is quiet, free from noises, and comfortable for productivity. Designate a place with a desk, chair, and all the equipment to make a tiny workstation.

  1. Relax and take breaks

For sustainable working, it’s crucial to take breaks and relax for at least 5 mins every hour to boost up your productivity. Recharge yourself by a short walk within the workspace, deep breathing, and stepping outside in the balcony just for a bit might help.

  1. Maintain working hours

Working from home can be mentally draining if there’s no set of time. It can be easy to go out of office hours and get calls anytime to be present in front of a computer screen. But, make sure don’t let your workday creep into your early mornings and late evenings. Keep fixed working hours to be accountable to your boss.

  1. Keep distractions away

It can be hard to avoid housemates, kitchen voices, TV noise, and kids playing around while working at home. When we are in offices, we stay aware because of the eyes of colleagues or managers. But, at home, we get so comfortable, which somehow affects the work productivity. Therefore, don’t feel shy to ask your friends and family members not to disturb or tempt you during designated work hours.

  1. Get up and Dress-up

Success is not achieved in Pyjamas.

Every workplace has a dedicated dress code required to maintain whether you are at home or in the office. But, when working from home, we tend to forget to dress up with a mentality of who is watching? This should not be the case as it can dampen your interest in tasks in the longer run. So, dress not just to impress but to hold up success. Don’t work in your shorts and PJ’s!

  1. Be a self Janitor

In the office space, we do have cleaners to organize the area after you. But at the home workstation, you need to be a janitor for yourself. Keep your home office neat and tidy, get organized, and be productive. Even if you don’t bother about a messy desk, a stack of papers around, or utilities spread on the table, it can reduce your productivity at some point. So, take a little time out to clean up your workstation before starting work in the morning.

  1. Build time transitions in and out of work

When you commute from your home to the office, it gives you ample time to prepare your mind for work. Short outgoing from one physical location to another gives a refresh for the day ahead. But, when we are at home, we move from our bedroom to the work area, which highly carries any effort. So, building a habit of reading a book or listening to some music in a free working hour or playing with your pet, spending time with the loved one can bring positive transitions before and after work.

  1. Set socializing level

In the work-from-home scenarios, when everyone is in their home and operating their roles, it’s a cut off to many casual interactions that you often used to get for breaking the monotony of work while making yourself less lonely. But, if you have an urge to ask your coworkers how their weekend was or did they learn anything new in the pandemic, then keep up with this little socializing between zoom calls, texts, etc.

  1. Sound positive

Reading tone and intentional short messages can make colleagues feel offensive and can come out as curt or short-tempered, which can put you at risk of sounding like a jerk. So embrace exclamations and find your emoticon to break the monotony of work voice, even if you don’t have one.

  1. Routine stretch, exercise, and meditation

If you are regular with your 1-hour workouts within your routine, then you are simply amazing. Exercising releases endorphins, which increase joy, excitement, and energy levels. At the same time, regular stretching can be great for your posture. It removes the soreness from the body and brings motivation that can pay off throughout the day within your work. Also, Remote work settings can cause laziness, demotivation, and degrade interest along with positive affirmations. Therefore, it is essential to meditate or involve in some creative, calming, and relaxing activity for your brain.

  1. Healthy meals & snacking

Eating a nutritious-rich diet is a treat for your stomach as well as mind and body. While working from home, you get full access to the kitchen, but this doesn’t mean that you spend more time munching chips, cookies, and fried foods. Light breakfast, wholesome lunch, and healthy snack options like fruits, nuts, and seeds can keep you charged while slowing down the cravings. Also, research has proved that home-cooked Satvik meals can enhance productivity and attentiveness at work.

  1. Buzz of social media

Well, we are all somewhere guilty of this pleasure of being stuck to our Facebook, Instagram, and other social media. This addiction of swiping on the phone is a giant time consumer if you aren’t aware. Staying away from social media accounts while working is extremely important to bring that genuine effort towards finishing up your office projects.