11 Reasons Why Most Companies are Hiring a Virtual Assistant

All said and done, hiring a virtual assistant (VA) is an expensive affair; only big players in the industry can afford them!

This common myth can be found everywhere. But, do you really think paying an independent contractor to remotely handle your tasks is expensive as compared to the administrative employee who sits right next to you? Well, think again.

Letting the employees connect from remote locations is the need of the hour. Virtual assistants are not meant to blow up your cash flows. These are independent contractors, who offer a wide pool of talent. Concrete evidence about the business benefits of hiring a VA can be found on the internet. The web is flooded with testimonials from companies who confirmed that offshoring support services are springboard to an economic miracle. The avant-garde assistance of remote talent can be taken for technical, administrative and even creative tasks like social media management. Here is a list of the top 11 reasons to show that not just large scale enterprises, but mid-small sized businesses even start-ups must leverage the business advantage of hiring remote staffs.

  1. They can do the legwork for lead generation

Lead generation is tough, time consuming, and simply painful. Building sales is not easy, especially when you have lots of other tasks on your plate. You can hire a VA who can do the never ending task of researching and connecting to potential customers. Make sure you hire a trained offshore assistant who knows how to get the right attention and master the lead response time.

  1. VAs are savior when it comes to recruitment and training

Onboarding a new employee may cost you a lot of time and money. Think about advertising on job sites, long hours of background checks, interviews, paperwork, induction, and training. It may drain so many of your valuable resources to hire just one employee. Alternatively, you can make the most of the skill hunting forte of your VA who have specialization in attracting, training and retaining the right talent for your business. Getting the right talent may also be beneficial in terms of reduced staff turnover.

  1. Only pay for the time spent on work

Money saved is money earned! The famous saying goes pretty well with a VA on board. Hiring a VA can save your business a lot of money. Since these are not your full time employees, you don’t have to worry about paying them for lunch breaks, water-cooler time, coffee breaks, holidays, sick leaves, taxes, and more. VAs usually charge on an hourly basis, so you can take help from software to keep track of the time they have worked for you.

  1. You can cut costs on your office space

Renting an office space in a commercial building is a huge commitment for new businesses. And, cutting the cost on physical office space is actually very beneficial for small companies and start-ups. VAs work from remote locations and stay connected through the internet. You don’t have to rent office space. It gives you and your VA the flexibility to work from wherever suitable.

  1. Save up on office supplies too

Another perk of hiring remote assistance! When you don’t need to have a physical office space for your remotely located administrator, you don’t even have to worry about the additional expenses of maintaining work supplies like phones, laptops, furniture and stationery supplies. Hiring a VA can save on large upfront bills, companies these days even ask VAs to share the picture of their workspace to ensure that they have the required office supplies to get the work done.

  1. Outsource the tasks whenever needed

Filling a 9-5 position is not the most viable option when there is little work required to be done. For instance, if a company has an administrative task which can be finished within a couple of hours then hiring an independent contractor is flexible, smart, and business appropriate solution.

  1. VAs can fill up more roles

VAs hone their skills to learn the know-how of many aspects of the business world. So hiring a capable VA can give you the best of both worlds. They can even schedule your meetings, book flights for you, perform all sorts of back office task, or you can leverage their knowledge and skills from their area of expertise.

  1. Round the clock availability

Unlike a 9-5 employee, VAs can be reached whenever needed. The biggest requirement for a growing company is to have employees who can provide a high level of support with the most flexible work hours. It can only be possible when you hire a virtual business manager who can conduct mundane back office taskround the clock.

  1. VAs bring valuable administrative skills to the company

As discussed earlier, a VA can fill up multiple roles. They can reduce your administrative workload. Get a good fit for the repetitive tasks and you can make the most out of your time to perform other important jobs like having the right business strategies in place.

  1. Pass on the overwhelming tasks to a VA

Regardless of the size of the business, there are times when employers feel overwhelmed due to the work related stress. VAs are skilled to accomplish multiple roles, so make sure you have delegated the tasks to the best talent in the industry and rest assured to gain the financial advantages of outsourcing. The pressure of getting a task done in an agreed time frame can be released with the help of VA while the employer can relax and unwind to start afresh.

  1. Your secrets are safe with a VA

VAs are expertly trained in handling businesses with the utmost level of confidentiality. The trustful relationship that you build with your employees can be expected from VAs as well. All you need is to get them to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement to ensure that your company’s interest and reputation are in safe hands.


The hard truth about owning is a business is that most often you have to dabble into tasks that are time consuming. In this virtual world, getting your to-do list outsourced is a smart and cost effective option for businesses. Many successful companies are already leveraging the business benefits of offshoring. Ready to see how an independent contractor can help you to lead your business?

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